The X-Philes (2nd Revision)
The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso
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642 lines
System calls (part 3)
Last modified 1994-09-06
See part 1 for general notes and explanations.
Fn $8D is used for the Window Server, and is described in the Psionics file
Fn $8E Sub $00 to $10 control various parts of the hardware, and should not
be used by OPL programs.
Fn $8E Sub $11
BX: 6 byte buffer
Gets information about the power supply. The buffer is filled with the
following data:
Offset 0 (word): main battery voltage in mV
Offset 2 (word): backup battery voltage in mV
Offset 4 (word): positive if external power is available, zero if not
available, and negative if the detector is disabled
because an SSD door is open.
The returned voltages should be taken with a grain of salt: I have observed
the following values:
1800: no main batteries
1800: low main batteries
2056: new main batteries
2300: no lithium battery
2556: lithium battery fitted
Fn $8E Sub $12
AL: step direction
Alters the LCD contrast by one step, upwards if AL is between 0 and 127, and
downwards if it is between 128 and 255 (all inclusive).
Fn $8E Sub $13
AL: -> setting
Gets the current LCD contrast setting. On a Series 3, only the bottom 4 bits
are significant.
Fn $8E Sub $14
CX: delay in quarter seconds
Switches the machine off for the specified time, then back on again. The
machine may also be turned on by external events. The delay must be at least
9 (2.25 seconds).
Fn $8E Sub $15 should only be used by device drivers.
Fn $8E Sub $16
Exits the emulation on PC systems; has no effect on actual Psion machines.
Fn $8E Sub $17 to $1A should only be used by device drivers.
Fn $8E Sub $1B
AL: -> PSU type
Gets the PSU type: 0 = original, 1 = "Maxim", 2 = "Pan", 3 = Series 3.
Fn $8E Sub $1C
BX: 8 byte buffer
Gets information about the power supply. The buffer is filled with the
following data:
Offset 0 (word): main battery good voltage threshold in mV
Offset 2 (word): backup battery good voltage threshold in mV
Offset 4 (word): main battery nominal maximum voltage in mV
Offset 6 (word): backup battery nominal maximum voltage in mV
The values will depend on the battery type set by GenSetBatteryType.
Fn $8E Sub $1D
@No documentation available at present@
Fn $8E Sub $1E
AX: -> current value
On systems fitted with a backlight, this value indicates control of the
backlight function. If the top bit is set, the operating system will ignore
the backlight toggle key. The remaining bits give the auto-light-off time in
ticks (1/32 second); zero means that auto-light-off is disabled.
Fn $8E Sub $1F
BX: new value
Sets the backlight control value (see HwGetBackLight).
Fn $8E Sub $20
HwBackLight fails
AL: action -> status before call
This call fails if no backlight is fitted. Otherwise, the actions are:
0 = switch backlight off
1 = switch backlight on
2 = toggle backlight
3 = no action
The status returned is that of the backlight before the call: 0 = off, 1 = on.
Fn $8E Sub $21 controls various parts of the hardware, and should not be used
by OPL programs.
Fn $8E Sub $22
HwSupplyInfo v3
BX: 22 byte buffer
Fills the buffer with additional information about the power supply:
Offset 0 (byte): main battery status:
0 = not present
1 = very low voltage
2 = low voltage
3 = good voltage
Offset 1 (byte): worst main battery status since batteries last inserted
Offset 2 (byte): non-zero if backup battery voltage is good
Offset 3 (byte): non-zero if external supply is present
Offset 4 (word): warning flags
Bit 0: set if power supply too low for sound
Bit 1: set if power supply too low to use flash
Bit 2: set if offset 6 changed because system clock changed
clear if offset 6 changed because the batteries were changed
Offset 6 (long): abstime when batteries inserted
Offset 10 (long): ticks running on battery
Offset 14 (long): ticks running on external supply
Offset 18 (long): mA-ticks (i.e. mAhours * 60 * 60 * 32)
Fn $8E Sub $28
HwGetScanCodes v3
BX: 20 byte buffer
The buffer is filled with information describing the state of each key on
the keyboard. For the Series 3a, the offset and bit for each key are given
in the following table ("2:4" means offset 2, bit 4).
System 9:1 Esc 15:0 Delete 4:0 1 14:1 A 12:2 N 0:6
Data 7:1 Tab 0:2 Enter 0:0 2 14:2 B 8:6 O 4:5
Word 11:1 Control 4:7 ShiftR 6:7 3 10:6 C 10:3 P 2:5
Agenda 3:1 ShiftL 2:7 Up 14:5 4 8:2 D 10:4 Q 12:1
Time 1:1 Psion 0:7 Left 0:4 5 8:3 E 10:5 R 8:1
World 5:1 Menu 10:7 Down 0:5 6 14:3 F 10:1 S 12:4
Calc 3:0 Diamond 8:7 Right 0:1 7 6:6 G 8:5 T 8:4
Sheet 1:0 Space 8:0 Help 6:2 8 4:3 H 14:6 U 6:5
+ and = 2:3 - and _ 2:2 9 4:4 I 4:2 V 10:2
* and : 2:6 / and ; 2:1 0 2:4 J 6:4 W 12:5
, and < 6:1 . and > 14:4 K 4:1 X 12:6
L 4:6 Y 0:3
M 6:3 Z 12:3
Fn $8F
This call is only useful in assembler code; it sets ES to point to the start
of the kernel data space (accessible in OPL using GenGetOsData).
Fn $90
AL: reason
Panic the current process; this call never returns.
Fn $91
ProcCopyFromById fails
BX: process ID
CX: number of bytes to copy
SI: remote address of first byte to copy
DI: local address of first byte to copy
Copy a number of bytes from the indicated process to the current process.
Fn $92
ProcCopyToById fails
BX: process ID
CX: number of bytes to copy
SI: local address of first byte to copy
DI: remote address of first byte to copy
Copies a number of bytes from the current process to the indicated process.
Fn $93
Fn $94
Fn $95
Fn $96
Fn $97
Fn $98
Fn $99
Fn $9A
Fn $9B
Fn $9C
Fn $9D
AL: character to test
EQ: -> set if test fails, clear if test succeeds
Tests to see whether the character has the indicated property. These functions
are language dependent.
Fn $9E
Fn $9F
Fn $A0
AL: character 1 -> converted character 1
AH: character 2 -> converted character 2
Converts two characters to uppercase, lowercase, or folded (uppercase with no
accents). These functions are language dependent.
Fn $A1
CX: length to be copied
SI: address of "from" buffer
DI: address of "to" buffer
Copies a number of bytes from one buffer to another. The case of the buffers
overlapping is handled correctly.
Fn $A2
CX: length to be swapped
SI: address of buffer 1
DI: address of buffer 2
Swaps the contents of two buffers. The case of the buffers overlapping is
handled correctly.
Fn $A3
Fn $A4
BX: length of buffer 2
CX: length of buffer 1
SI: address of buffer 1
DI: address of buffer 2
UL: -> set if buffer 1 less than buffer 2
EQ: -> set if buffers are identical
The contents of the two buffers are compared byte-for-byte, using unsigned
comparisons, and the result flags set accordingly. BufferCompareFolded acts
as if each character had been passed to CharToFoldedChar before comparison.
Fn $A5
BufferMatch fails
Fn $A6
BufferMatchFolded fails
CX: length of buffer
DX: length of pattern
SI: address of buffer
DI: address of pattern
The buffer is searched to determine if the pattern occurs within it (using
the usual wildcards); the call fails if it does not. BufferMatchFolded acts
as if each character had been passed to CharToFoldedChar before comparison.
Fn $A7
BufferLocate fails
Fn $A8
BufferLocateFolded fails
AH: character -> [undefined]
AX: -> offset of character
CX: length of buffer
SI: address of buffer
The buffer is searched to determine if the character occurs within it; the
call fails if it does not. If it does, the offset from the start of the buffer
of the first occurence is returned. BufferLocateFolded acts as if each
character had been passed to CharToFoldedChar before comparison.
Fn $A9
BufferSubBuffer fails
Fn $AA
BufferSubBufferFolded fails
AX: -> offset
BX: length of buffer 2
CX: length of buffer 1
SI: address of buffer 1
DI: address of buffer 2
Buffer 1 is searched to determine if buffer 2 occurs within it; the call fails
if it does not. If it does, the offset from the start of buffer 1 of the first
occurence of buffer 2 is returned. BufferSubBufferFolded acts as if each
character had been passed to CharToFoldedChar before comparison.
Fn $AB
AX: -> address of first uncopied character
BX: length of buffer 2
CX: length of buffer 1
DX: fill character * 256 + control code
SI: address of buffer 1
DI: address of buffer 2
Buffer 1 is copied into buffer 2, and the remaining space filled with the fill
character according to the control code (0 = fill at end, 1 = fill at start,
2 = centre the copied data). If buffer 1 is longer than buffer 2, then the
contents will be truncated to fit. If the length of buffer 2 is negative, then
it is assumed to be the same as that of buffer 1 (and the data is just copied).
Fn $AC
Fn $AD
SI: cstr
DI: large enough buffer
The cstr is copied into the buffer. StringCopyFolded passes each character
through CharToFoldedChar during the copy.
Fn $AE
SI: cstr
Each character of the cstr is passed through CharToFoldedChar.
Fn $AF
Fn $B0
SI: cstr 1
DI: cstr 2
UL: -> set if cstr 1 less than cstr 2
EQ: -> set if cstrs are identical
The contents of the two cstrs are compared byte-for-byte, using unsigned
comparisons, and the result flags set accordingly. StringCompareFolded acts
as if each character had been passed to CharToFoldedChar before comparison.
Fn $B1
StringMatch fails
Fn $B2
StringMatchFolded fails
SI: cstr to be searched
DI: pattern (cstr)
The cstr is searched to determine if the pattern occurs within it (using
the usual wildcards); the call fails if it does not. StringMatchFolded acts
as if each character had been passed to CharToFoldedChar before comparison.
Fn $B3
StringLocate fails
Fn $B4
StringLocateFolded fails
Fn $B5
StringLocateInReverse fails
Fn $B6
StringLocateInReverseFolded fails
AH: character -> [undefined]
AX: -> offset of character
SI: cstr
The cstr is searched to determine if the character occurs within it; the
call fails if it does not. If it does, the offset from the start of the cstr
of the first (for StringLocate and StringLocateFolded) or last (for the two
Reverse calls) occurence is returned. The two Folded calls act as if each
character had been passed to CharToFoldedChar before comparison.
Fn $B7
StringSubString fails
Fn $B8
StringSubStringFolded fails
AX: -> offset
SI: cstr 1
DI: cstr 2
Cstr 1 is searched to determine if cstr 2 occurs within it; the call fails
if it does not. If it does, the offset from the start of cstr 1 of the first
occurence of cstr 2 is returned. StringSubStringFolded acts as if each
character had been passed to CharToFoldedChar before comparison.
Fn $B9
AX: -> length of the cstr
DI: cstr
Returns the length of a cstr, excluding the terminating zero byte.
Fn $BA
StringValidateName fails
AL: maximum number of characters permitted
AH: non-zero if an extension is permitted
DI: cstr
The cstr is checked to see if it a valid name, and the call fails if it is
not. A name is valid if it:
* begins with a letter;
* contains only letters, digits, dollar signs ($), underscores (_), and at
most one dot;
* if AH is zero, does not contain a dot;
* contains no more than the specified number of characters before the dot
(if any); and
* contains no more than 4 characters after the dot, if any.
@The manual says 3 characters, but my tests accept 4.@
Fn $BB
AX: high half of P
BX: low half of P
CX: high half of Q
DX: low half of Q
SL: -> set if P less than Q
EQ: -> set if P equals Q
Compares P and Q (both signed longs) and sets the result flags accordingly.
Fn $BC
LongIntMultiply fails
AX: high half of P -> high half of product
BX: low half of P -> low half of product
CX: high half of Q
DX: low half of Q
Multiples P and Q (both signed longs); the call fails if the result cannot
be represented as a signed long.
Fn $BD
LongIntDivide fails
AX: high half of P -> high half of quotient
BX: low half of P -> low half of quotient
CX: high half of Q -> high half of remainder
DX: low half of Q -> low half of remainder
Divides P by Q (both signed longs); the call fails if Q is zero. The remainder
will have the same sign as P.
Fn $BE
AX: high half of P
BX: low half of P
CX: high half of Q
DX: low half of Q
UL: -> set if P less than Q
EQ: -> set if P equals Q
Compares P and Q (both unsigned longs) and sets the result flags accordingly.
Fn $BF
LongUnsignedIntMultiply fails
AX: high half of P -> high half of product
BX: low half of P -> low half of product
CX: high half of Q
DX: low half of Q
Multiples P and Q (both unsigned longs); the call fails if the result cannot
be represented as a unsigned long.
Fn $C0
LongUnsignedIntDivide fails
AX: high half of P -> high half of quotient
BX: low half of P -> low half of quotient
CX: high half of Q -> high half of remainder
DX: low half of Q -> low half of remainder
Divides P by Q (both unsigned longs); the call fails if Q is zero.
Fn $C1
FloatAdd fails
Fn $C2
FloatSubtract fails
Fn $C3
FloatMultiply fails
Fn $C4
FloatDivide fails
SI: address of Q
DI: address of P
Calculates the specified one of P+Q, P-Q, P*Q, or P/Q, and places the result
in P. Both P and Q are reals.
Fn $C5
SI: address of Q
DI: address of P
SL: -> set if P is less than Q
EQ: -> set if P equals Q
Compares two reals and sets the result flags appropriately.
Fn $C6
DI: address of P
Negates a real in-situ.
Fn $C7
FloatToInt fails
Fn $C8
FloatToUnsignedInt fails
AX: -> result
SI: address of real
Converts a real to a signed or unsigned int; the call fails if the result is
out of range. FloatToUnsignedInt ignores the sign of the real.
Fn $C9
FloatToLong fails
Fn $CA
FloatToUnsignedLong fails
AX: -> high half of result
BX: -> low half of result
SI: address of real
Converts a real to a signed or unsigned long; the call fails if the result is
out of range. FloatToUnsignedLong ignores the sign of the real.
Fn $CB
Fn $CC
AX: value
DI: address of real
Converts a signed or unsigned int to a real.
Fn $CD
Fn $CE
AX: high half of value
BX: low half of value
DI: address of real
Converts a signed or unsigned long to a real.
Fn $CF
Fn $D0
AX: -> method result
BX: handle of object to receive the message
CX: message number
DX: argument 1
SI: argument 2
DI: argument 3
These functions send a message to an object and invoke a method on that object.
LibSend starts searching for the method in the class of the object, and
LibSendSuper in the superclass.
Fn $D1 to $D3 can only be used from assembler.
Fn $D4
This function has no effect.
Fn $D5
AL: Fn -> error and result flags
SI: argument block
DI: result block
This call is equivalent to the OS keyword; it calls another system call with
the arguments and results stored in 12 byte blocks.
Fn $D6 is used for the Window Server, and is described in the Psionics file
Fn $D7 is normally only used by the C library.
Fn $D8 is used for accessing DBF files. See the Psionics file DBF.FMT.
Fn $D9
AX: -> method result
BX: handle of object to receive the message
CX: message number
DX: argument 1
SI: argument 2
DI: argument 3
This is identical to LibSend, except that it also starts a new "entry-exit
region". The method description will state when this is needed.
Fn $DA
@No documentation available at present@
Fn $DB
SI: cstr
The first character of the cstr is passed through CharToUpperChar, and the
remaining characters through CharToLowerChar.
Fn $DC
ProcIndStringCopyFromById fails
BX: process ID
CX: maximum length to copy
SI: address of location holding address of cstr
DI: buffer
This copies a cstr from the indicated process to the current process. The
cstr is found via a pointer also in the memory of the indicated process, and
the address of this pointer is specified. This call is equivalent to making
two calls to ProcCopyFromById, the first to find the location of the cstr, and
the second to fetch it, except that the contents of the buffer beyond the
terminating zero are unspecified.
Fn $DD is reserved for the window server.
Fn $DE
@No documentation available at present@